When it comes to talking about love, some faces might turn completely different.. maybe to a wide smile or red (blush) but, some faces might turn from a smile to completely sour or sad etc. What is love? If we look into the meaning of the word 'love' in the dictionary it means:
1) very strong affection
2) very strong affection and sexual attraction
3) great liking
4) a person or thing that one loves
If it means a strong affection towards a person, then it must be really wonderful to have someone to feel love towards us. Hm mm.. can it be force to happen? As we all know, when it come to feelings, it is almost impossible to force especially when the feelings involve living things. So, from my point of view to force this feeling is very wrong.
Lets talk about love when it grows between two people (not between the same sex for I personally believe that homosexuality is an immoral act). So, from my point of view it will be some kind of boost in both parties life in many ways. In other words, to have someone who care for you will really enhance your day isn't it? To be continue..
feel free to comment when you are bored!thank you =)